See why thousands of women love the Peaches Method

Hint: the classes aren’t boring and the results are fabulous!

$19.99 a month or $119.99 a year after 7-day free trial.

Instant access to all workouts

Your Peaches Online membership includes carefully designed challenges and programs, recipes, workshops, and an incredibly supportive community of thousands of women.

Choose from over 300 classes with styles like Equipment Free, Strength, Cardio, Posture, Boxing, Barre and more.

Tired of the BS when it comes to #dietculture? Peaches takes a healthy, sustainable approach to looking and feeling the best you’ve ever felt.

Watch from anywhere

Stream our on-demand classes from almost any device with apps available on iPhone, iPad and Android. You can also Chromecast to your TV.

Pregnancy & postnatal

We’re here to keep you moving! Tori and Bec developed our pregnancy and postnatal programs throughout their own motherhood journeys in collaboration with their physio Emma.

Both programs are included in our standard subscription so you can train with us all the way through pregnancy, postnatal journey and beyond.

Ready to get Peachy anytime, anywhere?

Start your free trial today and join thousands of women in an inclusive and supportive community.

Free for 7 days. Cancel anytime.
Pay $19.99/month or $119.99/year.