July 23, 2021

Why You Should Never Over Train

We’ve all heard the phrase, “quality not quantity” – well this sums up how you should train in a nutshell.

Let’s start from the beginning. What is overtraining?

Over training is when you train more than your body can recover from. In return, your performance declines and injuries can appear.

Every time you work out, you create microscopic tears in your muscle tissues. But when you rest, your muscles are able to heal and grow back strong. Meaning the next time you workout you’ll have more stamina and feel stronger.

Over training is a trap that so many of us fall into – because the more you train, the harder you train, the better the results, right? Not exactly.

Adding too much to your workout program means you’re not adding any real value to your body and mind, rather you’re just draining your batteries. Think of your body like your phone – the more you use your phone the faster it runs out of battery, the same goes for your body. Overusing muscles puts stress on joints, bones and soft tissue – at first these aches might feel minor, but they can turn into a lingering state of fatigue – or even injury.

Something we often see across the Peaches studios and online platform is clients doubling up classes – the reasons vary, but mainly because Pilates is strength based, you might feel that without breaking a sweat or doing more you won’t get results. However, unless the classes are only 15-20 minutes, when you start to stack your workouts, we give you an A for effort – but an F for achieving long term results.

This is the part where we tell you that all you really need is 30 minutes of Total Body Toning 4-5 days a week CONSISTENTLY – to see and feel the results you’ve been looking for. You do not need to spend hours on end in the gym, on a treadmill, or punishing yourself to see a change.

Specifically, our Peaches Pilates workouts are tailored to be all you need for that particular session. If they’re shorter in length, then that’s because they’re targeting a specific body part to strengthen and tone – and they pack a damn punch.

Achieving your goals may take longer than what it would if you doubled the time and amount you worked out each week. But, let’s be honest, what’s the first sacrifice we make when our schedules get hectic? Exercise!

Finding consistency means you can start to achieve your goals – success comes from achievable, daily habits, not a stop and start approach. It also means you’re less likely to injure yourself and more likely to stay in a balanced mindset. Aka – not diving into pits of guilt when you fall off the wagon, or over committing yourself in a flurry of motivation or stress.

To remain consistent, injury free, sane and to achieve your goals with your workout program – recovery is your golden ticket.

It’s simple really – look after your body, and your body will look after you.

Taking time off and time out will give your body a chance to recover, your mind to rest and will stop you from losing your mojo.

Peach, indulge in your rest days – if you’re going to switch off, you may as well really make the most of it. Here’s some ideas to make you FFA, and fall in love with taking care of your body and soul.

1. Take a bath with some magnesium salts – and take a glass of wine or some dark chocolate in with you!

2. Read your book at a time that isn’t bed time – or listen to a podcast when you’re not doing chores. enjoy the ceremony!

3. Try booking in for infrared sauna, massage, facial, or nail appointment if it’s within your means.

4. Try a new recipe, and create the time and space to enjoy the cooking process, rather than rushing dinner onto the plate.

5. Take a walk in the sunshine for your mind, not as exercise, and enjoy some vitamin D.